Everything You Need to Know About the Annexation of Guanacaste to Costa Rica

The annexation of Guanacaste is a pivotal moment in Costa Rican history, symbolizing unity, identity, and cultural diversity. This significant event, which occurred on July 25, 1824, marked the incorporation of the Guanacaste province into Costa Rica, shaping the nation’s character and heritage. In this article, we delve into the historical, cultural, and celebratory aspects of this momentous occasion.

Historical Context:

  • The annexation of the Partido de Nicoya to Costa Rica is a historical event that refers to the incorporation of the territory of the Partido de Nicoya into the State of Costa Rica, which occurred on July 25, 1824.

    Much of what was this territory constitutes the province of Guanacaste. The annexation took place through a plebiscite held in the city of Nicoya, in which, in an open council meeting, the residents of the municipalities of Nicoya and Santa Cruz voted to join Costa Rica, while the town of Guanacaste, now the city of Liberia, declined the annexation. However, on March 18, 1825, this town became part of Costa Rica through a law issued by the Congress of the Federal Republic of Central America. It is worth noting that historically, the term “annexation of Guanacaste” to refer to this event is considered incorrect.

    The process of consolidating this union, however, took place gradually over the following decade. The annexation was not just an act but a process of varied experiences, in which the inhabitants of the former Partido de Nicoya acted in different ways over about ten years, partly justified because, after Central American independence, national loyalties did not yet exist in Central America, and identities in the emerging states had not been consolidated. It took years for a general consensus to emerge among the populations of the Partido de Nicoya about the desirability of belonging to Costa Rica. It was not until 1838 that the municipalities of the three most important towns in the Partido de Nicoya ratified their annexation to the country, and it was not until 1858 that Costa Rica had legal certainty over Guanacaste with the signing of the Cañas-Jerez Treaty.


 Annexation Day Celebrations and identity :

  • Today, the annexation of the Partido de Nicoya is a national holiday in Costa Rica, celebrated with civic and cultural events in schools and communities throughout the country every July 25th.

    The ‘Guanacastecos’ have always strongly identified with Costa Rican values and the national way of life. This deep connection fills them with pride as they consider themselves an integral part of the country. To underline their voluntary decision, they adopted the famous slogan “de la patria por nuestra voluntad,” which translates to “part of this country by our own choice.” This slogan serves as a testament to Costa Rican democracy, signifying their inclusion in the national territory as Costa Ricans by their own free will.

    The celebration of this day is marked by a nationwide public holiday, with various festive activities and events taking place in schools and colleges across the country. However, the heart of the celebration lies in the province of Guanacaste. On public holidays, banks, government offices, post offices, and commercial centers all close their doors, underscoring the tremendous significance of Guanacaste Day.

    The celebrations of Guanacaste’s annexation primarily consist of lively parades, traditional folk dances set to typical music, impressive cattle exhibitions, and tantalizing tastes of Costa Rican cuisine, among other festivities. Typically, these parades feature enthusiastic children marching in the streets or within their schools, often donning masks and costumes representing various traditional characters or portraying cattle farmers.

    A unique highlight of the Guanacaste Day celebration is the “bullfights.” However, it’s essential to clarify that these bullfights in Costa Rica differ significantly from those in Mexico or Spain. The “tico” style of bullfighting does not involve any harm to the animals; instead, it’s a spirited spectacle where young, unarmed individuals playfully interact with a bull or cow within a ring for a brief period. These participants often wear humorous costumes, and their aim is to either entertain the audience or win prizes.

    Guanacaste’s celebrations hold a distinctive charm compared to those in the Central Valley. The streets come alive with vibrant handicrafts and delicious Costa Rican cuisine, including favorites like tamales and “gallos” (grilled meat served with tortillas and salad). Additionally, the festivities feature concerts, evening fireworks displays, and captivating folk dances, creating a rich tapestry of cultural expression and merriment.

Guanacaste Today:

  • Guanacaste is renowned for its pristine and enchanting beaches, drawing international attention that has sparked significant real estate development in the region. Luxury hotels, shopping centers, business hubs, condos, and grand mansions are being constructed in various parts of Guanacaste, reflecting the area’s growing popularity.

    One of the key advantages of Guanacaste is its proximity to the recently built Daniel Oduber International Airport. This accessibility is a significant asset, making transportation more convenient, reducing travel times, and allowing tourists to make the most of their stay in the country, ensuring unforgettable vacations in Costa Rica.

    Guanacaste has also attracted visits from notable personalities and Hollywood’s stars. If you’re considering a visit to Guanacaste, rest assured that your efforts will be well-rewarded. If you seek a unique and comfortable vacation amidst breathtaking nature and stunning vistas, Guanacaste is the destination for you. 

    The annexation of Guanacaste is more than a historical event; it’s a celebration of unity, diversity, and the enduring spirit of Costa Rica. By understanding the cultural significance and contributions of Guanacaste, we gain a deeper appreciation for the vibrant tapestry that is Costa Rican identity. As we commemorate “Annexation of Guanacaste Day,” let us honor the shared history that unites this beautiful province with the rest of Costa Rica, celebrating the values of unity and cultural diversity that define this remarkable nation.

When planning your trip to Costa Rica, it doesn’t have to be a challenging endeavor. We are here to assist you in organizing and creating your ideal itinerary, ensuring an unforgettable experience.

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